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Join2day.com Policies and Procedures

This statement of Policies and Procedures is incorporated into Distributor Agreement which constitutes the entire agreement of the parties. Each individual who becomes a Distributor with the intent of marketing JOIN2DAY.COM Calling Cards and Servises must read these Policies and Procedures carefully. It is an explanation of the rights and responsibilities of both the Company and its Distributors. When you sign up as a Distributor you agree to follow and be bound by the JOIN2DAY.COM Code of Ethics and these Policies and Procedures. Independent Distributors are also required to honor and abide by all rules and regulations governing network (multilevel) marketing as regulated by authorities. Violation of JOIN2DAY.COM Code of Ethics, Distributor Agreement or the written Policies and Procedures of JOIN2DAY.COM shall be cause for cancellation of their Distributorship. 

Privileges of JOIN2DAY.COM Distributor. 

A JOIN2DAY.COM Distributor enjoys the following privileges: 
1. Commissions and Bonuses. 
2. Rank and network position. 
3. Profit sharing. 
4. Customer Service. 

An Independent JOIN2DAY.COM Distributor

1. Must be of legal age of consent (usually 18) or a business entity properly registered in the country in which they reside. 
2. Has completed and signed a JOIN2DAY.COM Distributor Application and Agreement. No Distributor Application will be approved unless such applicant owns a web space. 
3. Has become familiar with the Policies and Procedures of JOIN2DAY.COM as outlined in this section. 
4. May not be a JOIN2DAY.COM employee. 
5. Members of the same family unit may enter into more than one Distributor Agreement if they are in the same downline. A family unit is defined as a father, mother and dependent children living at or doing business at the same address. The Distributor Agreement is void if the Distributor or the family unit to which the Distributor belongs has previously signed a Distributor Agreement in other downline, unless said agreement is now expired or terminated. 
6. All the information obtained by a Distributor through his/her activities and education, sponsored by the company is strictly confidential and is not allowed to be disclosed even in case of termination of a Distributorship. 
7. Any Distributor who fails to fulfill these responsibilities is subject to loss of Distributorship. 

Becoming a Distributor

A new Distributor must pay $500 Registration Fee for Training Course and must sign up a Distributor Application and Agreement online or off line, by fax or by mail. There are no other fees, required purchases or charges necessary to become a Distributor. JOIN2DAY.COM has the right to review and approve or disapprove any or all applications within the calendar month following the one in which they are submitted. 
Upon approval, all individuals or business entities completing Distributor Agreement become Independent Distributors with rights to participate in the full network marketing plan of the company. They have the right to market products authorized by Join2day.com 
All Independent Distributors are responsible for any expenses which result from their business operation. These expenses usually include, but are not necessarily limited to, government or local business license fees, legal fees and advertising. 
An individual applicant must be 18 years of age or older and should provide an ID number or equivalent for other countries. 
Married couples desiring to be JOIN2DAY.COM Distributors may be enrolled/sponsored as a single or separate Distributorship in the same downline. Therefore, a husband and a wife may not be enrolled in different lines or organizations, but they can sponsor each other. Any individual can be enrolled as both an individual JOIN2DAY.COM Distributor and also participate in or have an ownership interest in any other Distributorship in the same downline. Any person may participate in more than one JOIN2DAY.COM Distributorship concurrently if they are in the same downline. If a married couple becomes divorced, the Distributorship shall be maintained in the name of the principal signatory on the Distributor’s Application unless the company receives a certified copy of a Divorce Decree which orders otherwise. 
If two JOIN2DAY.COM Distributors that have been independently operating JOIN2DAY.COM organizations become married, they may resign one Distributorship or they may continue to maintain separate independent organizations. 
Canceled Distributorships cannot reapply under a new Sponsor until 6 months after termination. 


All Distributors have equal rights to conduct their business anywhere without any territorial exclusivity as long as JOIN2DAY.COM has not prohibit it. 

Sale of Distributorship

A Distributor may not sell his or her Distributorship without submission and acceptance of a written permission from the Company. 

Death and Inheritance

Upon the death of an individual or dissolution of a business entity, the Distributorship’s right to bonuses and marketing position, together with all Distributor responsibilities, shall pass to its successors in interest upon receipt of a notarized statement or certified court order substantiating the prospective beneficiary’s claim to Distributorship. The beneficiary must also fulfill all responsibilities of the Distributorship and complete a new Independent Distributor Application and Agreement Form. 

Sponsorship/ Change of Status

All Distributors have the right to sponsor others. As a general rule, it is good practice to regard the first Distributor to do meaningful work with a prospective Distributor as having first claim to sponsorship. Basic tenets of common sense and consideration should govern. A Distributor may change his/her status from individual to a business entity with proper documentation. Request for Change of Business Status of Distributorship must be submitted, detailing all owners, partners, stockholders, officers and directors of the business entity. The individual submitting the request must provide adequate documentation verifying that he/ she is authorized to enter into binding contracts for the business entity. When submitting the change of status form, the applicant must certify that no person with an interest in the business has had a Distributorship within six months prior to the submission of the form, unless it is the continuation of an existing Distributorship that is changing status. 

Transfer of Sponsorship

It is the clear intent of these rules to prevent transfers of sponsorship under any guise. Exemptions may be permitted only in cases where the Distributor receives the consent in writing of the seven (3) immediate upline sponsors. All downline Distributors will remain in the original group and cannot be transferred unless all 7 immediate upline sponsors sign the form authorizing such. Each transferring Distributor must submit a Request for Change of Sponsorship. Final approval must be made by JOIN2DAY.COM. 

Duration of Distributorships

A Distributor must renew his/her Distributorship annually in the anniversary month of his/her Distributorship by paying $110 renewal fee. Non-renewal will result in the termination of Distributorship. 

Independent Distributors and the Law

Distributors have no authority to bind JOIN2DAY.COM to any obligation. Each Distributor shall hold JOIN2DAY.COM harmless from any claim, damages, or liability arising out of a Distributor’s business or advertising. Any Distributor making illegal and or not approved claims about JOIN2DAY.COM or its programs should be aware that his/her Distributorship shall be cancelled. 

Rules for remaining a Manager

A Manager must assume the responsibilities and functions of a Manager as listed below to retain his Manager status. 

Rule 1. 
Manager Distributorship expire annually on December 31. Each Manager must re-qualify prior to January 1 of each year. Re-qualification must be done in one of the ways available for original Supervisor qualification. 

Rule 2. 
Report violations of the Rules of Conduct and assist in enforcing them. 

Rule 3. 
Advise his personal group concerning the proper use of advertising and sales promotion materials. 

Rule 4. 
Train his personal group by holding regular meetings. If the group is large, he may hold these meetings in various centralized areas and in his absence may delegate certain meetings to experienced Sponsors in his group. Distributors not near a meeting place may require frequent training through mail and telephone contacts. 

Rule 5. 
Maintain regular office hours to be readily available to member of his group for consultation or supplies. 

Rule 6. 
Maintain a permanent address and provide this address to Join2day.com. Also provide this address to his downline Distributors so they may maintain contact with him at all times. 

Rule 7. 
Ensure the proper preparations of Distributor applications and require each Sponsor to send the appropriate copy of the application to Join2day.com without delay. 

Rule 8. 
Stay informed of Company policies by reading the manual and all Company correspondence and literature. Review these policies with your group to ensure that they are aware of and understand them. 

Advertising-Approval Required

All advertising, including but not limited to flyers, press releases and statements made on telephone answering machines or prepared for publication in any advertising medium using company names, trademarks or logos must be approved by the company in writing prior to publication. If an ad or promotional activity is approved for one Distributor, it is approved only for that specific Distributor. This policy allows JOIN2DAY.COM to have all advertising activity on file to reference for each Distributor and assist Distributors with regulatory agency compliance. This way you can avoid publishing false information or claims. In addition, Distributors, as independent contractors, are fully responsible for all verbal and written statements regarding the product and marketing program which are not expressly contained in advertising or promotional materials supplied directly by the company. All Distributors agree to indemnify JOIN2DAY.COM and hold it harmless from any and all liability including judgments, civil penalties, refunds, attorney fees, court costs or lost business incurred by JOIN2DAY.COM as a result of any advertising or any unauthorized representations made by any Distributor. 

Use of JOIN2DAY.COM Trademarks Copyrighted Materials

Trade Names and/or Trademarks: The names JOIN2DAY.COM are used to identify the company, its products, sales and marketing programs and to distinguish them from any other product and program offered to the public. 
1. JOIN2DAY.COM will not permit the use of its copyrights, designs, logos, trade names, trademarks, etc., without prior written permission. If said use is for other than personal advertising a licensing agreement and fee will be required. 
2. All JOIN2DAY.COM materials, whether printed, on film or produced by sound recording are copyrighted and may NOT be reproduced in whole or in part by Distributors or any other person except as authorized by the company. Permission to reproduce any materials will be considered only in extreme circumstances. Therefore, a Distributor should not anticipate that approval will be granted. 
3. A JOIN2DAY.COM Distributorship may not produce, sell or distribute any materials relative to the marketing program nor project any earnings based on said marketing program nor can any potential hypothetical examples relative to earning potential be used which cannot be documented as realistic and accurate. Any hypothetical examples must be accompanied by a statement that typical or individual earning of Distributors are contingent upon individual efforts, geographical location, timing, and many other factors beyond the control of the company. 
4. A Distributor may not purchase, sell or distribute non-company materials which imply or suggest that said materials originate from the company. 

Telephone Listings

Although appointments by recommendations proved to be the best way to develop Distributor’s business, all JOIN2DAY.COM Distributors may list themselves in the Telephone Directory. Each Distributor may list his/her last name, first name, address and telephone number only. Distributors may not use the name JOIN2DAY.COM. All copies must be submitted to Corporate Offices for approval. Allow one week for approval. In addition, Distributors must abide by local laws, rules and regulations pertaining to telephone listing and advertisement. Some telephone companies require written authorization from the owner of restricted names. Said approval will be provided by JOIN2DAY.COM upon Distributor’s request. 

Involuntary Cancellation

The company reserves the right to cancel any Distributorship at any time for violation of any local or government laws or regulations, the Distributor Agreement or these Policies and Procedures as they may be amended from time to time. 


Should Distributors violate the terms of the Distributor Agreement, Code of Ethics or Policies and Procedures, such deliberate action would place their Distributor subject to cancellation by JOIN2DAY.COM. If JOIN2DAY.COM determines that cancellation is warranted said Distributorship is suspended while notice of cause is provided to the Distributor. In appropriate cases, an opportunity to remedy may be provided to said Distributor. Such notice will be sent by registered mail to the violating Distributor’s address of record. Cancellation becomes effective immediately upon mailing by JOIN2DAY.COM as set forth above. A Distributor whose Distributorship has been canceled has the right to appeal the cancellation. If the Distributor should choose to appeal the cancellation the suspension status will remain in effect pending the resolution of the appeal. 

Effect of suspension.

Should a Distributor be placed in suspension he/she will not have the right to represent him-/herself as a Distributor of JOIN2DAY.COM products, sell products, receive any personal Commissions and Bonuses. 

Changes in Policies and Procedures

JOIN2DAY.COM reserves the right to make any changes deemed necessary for the success and well-being of the company and of the Independent Distributors. These changes may be made without prior approval or agreement of the Distributors. Any such changes will become an amendment to the agreement between JOIN2DAY.COM and the Distributor and shall be effective concurrent with the date of notification to Distributors. All Distributors will be promptly notified of any such changes in the most expeditious and cost-effective manner. 

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