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Join2day.com Compensation Plan

Designed to reward Distributor’s efforts in building and maintaining a long-term sales network. The Join2day.com sales and marketing plan has been designed to provide information and sales tools so that an independent Distributor can maximize his success if he applies dedication, hard work and perseverance. This plan is an outstanding example of a way in which any individual can participate and succeed in the free enterprise system. Independent Distributors are able to make retail sales to all those persons with whom they come in contact (family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) Distributors provide proper information, demonstrate product usage, follow up with additional services and keep in Internet and/or telephone contact with their customers after each initial sales call. A Join2day.com retailing organization can grow to levels that provide direct income plus bonuses. Those people who sponsor others into their specific Distributor network can earn commissions bonuses based on the individual sales of the persons that they have sponsored. This Join2day.com plan is one of the most successful marketing concepts in existence today. Normal corporate structure has been eliminated. Each and every Distributor begins in the same position with an equal opportunity for success and advancement. The rewards you receive as a Distributor operating your own business will be directly proportionate to the time and effort you put into your business. The information in this section of the manual is an important guide to sales development; it will also show you ways to maximize your income potential through proven sales techniques. 


1. Order a Join2day.com Internet Training Course for $500/year from a Join2day.com Distributor. That person will then become your “sponsor” into the Join2day.com system. Web hosting of 50 MB is included to this package. 
2. Carefully fill out the Application for Distributorship form online or offline and send the copy to Join2day.com. It is the responsibility of each applicant to do this right away; your sponsor will be glad to help you. (Please do not enclose any other documents with the application.) 
3. You officially become a Join2day.com Distributor when your properly completed application has been accepted and processed by Join2day.com. This process takes only a few days, but in the meantime you are entitled to sell Join2day.com products at an applicable discount. Once your application has been processed, your contract with Join2day.com becomes effective immediately, giving you all the rights and responsibilities of a Distributor. 
4. To cover Distributor-related administrative and computer costs, the first year payment for hosting and an Internet Training Course is required to keep your Join2day.com Distributorship valid. The $110 processing fee is due one year from the original application date of becoming a Distributor. 
5. A Join2day.com Distributorship may only be held in the name of an individual. Particular rules apply to husband and wife requesting separate Distributorships, minor Distributors, and those Distributors who wish to have their checks written to a partnership or corporation (See Distributor Rules found in this manual). 

Definition of Terms 

The following terms are used throughout this text. Some have specific Join2day.com connotations, so please become familiar with them, and make them a part of your vocabulary as quickly as possible. 
Commissions: A payment made to fully-qualified Managers on the monthly volume of their 6 levels of active downline Managers. 
Compression: every JOIN2DAY.COM Manager who does not meet monthly Group Volume qualification requirements, lose his rank for this particular month and is rolling up to the next qualified Upline as a member of his Group. Only fully qualified Managers fill up the lines, providing maximum Organization Volume 
Customer: Anyone who purchases Join2day.com products at retail price for personal use but is not a Join2day.com Distributor. 
Distributor: Anyone who purchases a web space and submits a valid and complete application for Distributorship to Join2day.com. 
Downline Organization: All distributors personally sponsored by you as well as all other persons sponsored by them. 
Infinity Bonus: After a Distributor reaches a rank of Director or above, it is possible to earn an Infinity Bonus of 2%, 4%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10% and 11% on downline organizational volume in addition to the Commissions. A qualified Distributor receives an Infinity Bonus from unlimited level of his downline or to the first qualified Distributor of the same rank and above. The Infinity Bonus is a reward to recognize Leader's efforts in trainig their downline organization. 
Lineage: All distributors who are a part of one organization, as a result of sponsoring or being sponsored. “Upline organization” : your sponsor and his sponsor and his sponsor, and so on. “Downline organization”: people you sponsor and people they sponsor, and so on. 
Manager Rebate: The 5% difference between the comissions for the Internet Consultant   and the comissions for the Manager. 
Organization Volume (OV) is the monthly volume produced by you and all of the Qualified Managers in the first 6 lines of your downline organizations. 
Personal Volume (PV) is the volume of JOIN2DAY.COM programs that you personally sold. 
Profit, Retail: The difference between the discounted product price for a Distributor, and the retail price paid by a customer. 
Qualifying Month is a single calendar month during which the Cumulative Volume needed for rank advancement is generated by you and your downline organizations of Distributors. By achieving certain predetermined volume levels in a given month, a Distributor becomes eligible for advancement to a new rank and status. The Distributor receives a new rank on the first day of the next after qualifying month. 
Volume, Group: Orders purchased at a 20% discount, by Consultants in a Manager’s personal group. 
Volume, Organization: The volume on which a Manager is paid commissions for the Volume of his 6 lines of Manager's groups. 
Volume, Personal: The volume ordered by you. 
Volume Point: A volume point is a point value assigned to each Join2day.com product that is equal in all countries. Your total volume points each month determine the percentage of your Commissions earning. In USA 1 volume point equals $1.00 of retail price. 

How to Move Up 

The Join2day.com system of direct person-to-person sales has worked for thousands, allowing them to gain control of their lives through financial security. This system was based on the simple principles of perseverance and hard work. You can move up in the marketing system by sponsoring others to become Distributors. 

Responsibilities of a Sponsor 

In this section, you will be shown how to increase your income by sponsoring other Distributors. As a Sponsor, it is in your best interest to train your sponsored Distributors well because their business is part of your business; as their income increases, so does yours. Fill their needs in training and help with a minimum of delay. Support and advise them whenever possible in developing their own groups of sponsored Distributors. 

Sponsoring and Building your Business 

As a Distributor of Join2day.com, you may, of course, earn money immediately by your own retail sales efforts. Your profits will increase as you develop repeat business and if you follow good sound service and business methods. Your ability and desire to contact and sponsor others who also wish to take advantage of the Join2day.com Marketing opportunity will result in a retail sales organization of your own. As a result, you will earn a profit on your three downlines’ sales volume and activities. This is truly a unique method of marketing products while earning a greater income. This system provides some of the best methods to earn additional money as a reward for duplicating your own marketing efforts. If you stop and think about it, almost without exception, most successful people have one thing in common... they usually have other people working for them. The more people they have working for them, the more they generally earn. How large do you want your business and organization to be? You have the opportunity to grow as fast as you want to, without geographic limits to where your group functions. In other words, you may sponsor people anywhere in any country where Join2day.com products are permitted and you earn a profit on their sales activities. 

Finding New Distributors 

The best way to build your organization is by sponsoring new Distributors; and by far the best place to find them is among your satisfied customers. If you have properly followed-up with and counseled your customers, you will be well acquainted with them and will be able to judge which ones will make good Join2day.com Distributors. No one ever objects to being offered a job (it’s a compliment) so don’t hesitate to approach anyone with an offer. Even those who seem quite affluent or who have a good steady income may be good prospects because they are frequently looking for ways to earn additional income. Wherever you go, talk about our products and about how much you enjoy your work. Some people will even ask you how they can become Distributors. Others will tell you how dissatisfied they are with their present income or job - these people are prime prospects. Remember that new Distributors may be found anywhere, so keep your ears and your mind open. 

Launching New Distributors 

At the outset, explain to a new recruit what he needs to know about our products and our marketing system. Concentrate on subjects needed to make a sale such as product information, the sales demonstration, and the retail order form. If possible, take him on a few calls with you to show how you present the products and deal with prospective customers. Try to stay in close contact with him for the first week and make yourself easily available to him after that. Hold group meetings regularly. When your Distributors are ready to sponsor, encourage them and teach them how. If one of them has the capacity and drive to become a Manager, show him the additional advantages of making Manager and help him in every way you can. Set Goals Set goals for yourself and urge your Distributors to set goals of their own. A typical Manager goal is four new customers and two new Distributors each week. Having a large number of Distributors in your organization will give you a good income and when some of them become Managers, you will have added depth to your organization. A larger organization will not only make your total income substantially larger, it will also make it more stable. Although the goal of four new customers and two new Distributors each week may not look like much, you will be amazed at how this can add up. After a few months of meeting this goal, your organization will really begin to pay off because of the number of new Distributors working directly for you and because your earlier Distributors will be adding sponsored Distributors of their own. Always remember that every person in your organization, even though he is in business for himself, is part of your business. When they expand, you expand; so help them all you can! 

Rank Qualifications 

Distributor’s rank is determined by the Sales Volume (Sales of Distributor and Distributor’s Distributors). To achieve a higher rank, Distributor must reach the minimum Personal and Group Volume (PGV). Once Distributor advance and qualify one month for any rank, Distributor will remain at that level until Distributor qualify for the next highest rank. Every active downline Distributor is added to Distributor’s Organization. The Volume generated by their Organizations is applied in calculating Distributor’s Organization Volume. There is no limit to the number of people whose efforts can contribute to Distributor’s Volume and earnings. 


One Volume Point (VP) is calculated as of 1 VP for each $1.0 of retail price of Join2day.com Products and Services. 


All the commissions and bonuses for the Personal and Group Volume produced in given month is calculated and transferred to the Distributors account the next month. 
1. Wholesale Discount. Every distributor is entitled for 15%-20% discount when he sells Join2day.com Products and Services. 
2. Commissions. This is the payment for the Sales Volume produced by groups of qualified Managers of the first six lines. Every qualified Manager is entitled to commissions. 
3. Infinity Bonus. This is the payment of 2%, 4% and 6% for the Sales Volume of all the organization or until a Distributor of the same rank or above. Every qualified Distributor with the Rank of Director and above is entitled to the Infinity Bonus. 

Internet Consultant

Everybody who purchased from JOIN2DAY.COM 50 MB of web space and an Internet Training Coursefor $500, fill an Application for Distributorship and is approved by Join2day.com Headquarters, becomes an Internet Consultant. This is the first position/level in the Marketing. As an Internet Consultant, Distributor has the right to sell Join2day.com Products and Services, earn 15% of total personal sales and recruit new distributors. 


When Internet Consultant’s Group Volume reaches 1500 VP the Internet Consultant becomes a Manager and qualify to receive: 

  • Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
  • 5% from all personal sales volume of Internet Consultants of his group.
  • 8% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 7% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his second line.
  • 6% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his third line.
  • 5% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fourth line.
  • 4% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fifth line.
  • 3% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
2% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above. Mandatory Group Volume of each Manager is 1500 PV monthly. Mandatory Organization Volume of each Manager to recieve The Infinity Bonus 2% is 2000 PV monthly 

Qualifying as a Manager 

A Manager should be prepared to recruit and train new Distributors. A personal interest in their progress will work to your advantage as well. For while everyone’s success is a result of their own efforts, appropriate guidance and encouragement can help build an organization that is strong and thriving. Thus, becoming a Manager is a responsibility, as well as a wonderful opportunity. As you continue to build your organization, you may find many of your Distributors become Managers themselves. You are still their sponsor with all the responsibilities and rewards which that entails. 

Manager Qualifications 

Achieve 100 Personal + Group volume points in one calendar month. All your Internet Consultants’ sales volume plus your own sales volume counts as your total volume. 

Manager Re-Qualification 

To re-qualify annually as a Manager, one must meet the volume requirements outlined in Manager Qualifications. Those volume requirements are 1500 volume points in one calendar month. 

Manager’s Group Responsibility 

A Manager must assume a portion of group leadership, giving guidance and encouragement throughout his personal organization. A Manager is given in-depth company support and has a direct line of communication with the Home Office. It follows that every Manager must assist others in training, in developing and in growing. Each Manager retains all of the responsibilities of a Sponsor to those individuals that he has directly sponsored even if they, in turn, attain Manager status. All questions relating to product, policy, or procedure should be maintained within proper channels; e.g. Distributor to Sponsor, Sponsor to Manager, Manager to Company. 

Marketing Director. 

When a Manager produce 5000 VÐ Organization Volume from his first six lines for three consecutive months he becomes a Marketing Director and qualifies to receive: 

  • Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
  • 5% from all personal sales volume of Internet Consultants of his group.
  • 10% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 9% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his second line.
  • 8% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his third line.
  • 7% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fourth line.
  • 6% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fifth line.
  • 5% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 4% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above.
Mandatory Group Volume of each Marketing Director is 1500 PV monthly. Mandatory Organization Volume of each Marketing Director is 5000 PV monthly 

Gold Director. 

When a Director produce 15.000 PV Organization Volume from his first six lines for three consecutive months he becomes a Gold Director and qualifies to receive: 

  • Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
  • 5% from all personal sales volume of Internet Consultants of his group.
  • 12% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 11% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his second line.
  • 10% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his third line.
  • 9% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fourth line.
  • 8% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fifth line.
  • 7% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 6% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above.
Mandatory Group Volume of each Gold Director is 1000 GV monthly. Mandatory Organization Volume of each Gold Director is 15.000 PV monthly 

Diamond Director. 

When a Director produce 50.000 PV Organization Volume from his first six lines for three consecutive months he becomes a Diamond Director and qualifies to receive: 

  • Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services
  • 5% from all personal sales volume of Internet Consultants of his group. 
  • 14% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 13% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his second line.
  • 12% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his third line.
  • 11% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fourth line.
  • 10% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his fifth line.
  • 9% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Distributors of his first line.
  • 8% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above.
Mandatory Group Volume of each Diamond Director is 500 GV monthly. Mandatory Organization Volume of each Diamond Director is 50.000 PV monthly 

One Star Diamond Director 

       When a Diamond Director produce 50.000 PV Organization Volume from his first six lines and has one personally sponsored Diamond Director  he becomes a One Star Diamond Director and qualifies to receive: 
       · Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
       ··15% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 14% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his second line. 
       · 13% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his third line. 
       · 12% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fourth line. 
       · 11% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fifth line. 
       · 10% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 9% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above. 
       Mandatory Group Volume of each One Star Diamond Director is 500 GV monthly. 

Double Star Diamond Director 

       When a Diamond Director produce 50.000 PV Organization Volume from his first six lines and has two personally sponsored Diamond Directors  he becomes a Double Star Diamond Director and qualifies to receive: 

       · Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
       · 16% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 15% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his second line. 
       · 14% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his third line. 
       · 13% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fourth line. 
       · 12% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fifth line. 
       · 11% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 10% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above. 
       Mandatory Group Volume of each Double Star Diamond Director is 500 GV monthly. 

Tri Star Diamond Director 

       When a Diamond Director produce 50.000 PV Organization Volume from his first six lines and has three personally sponsored Diamond Directors  he becomes a Tri Star Diamond Director and qualifies to receive: 
       · Wholesale Discount of 20% from all personal sales volume of Join2day.com Products and Services 
       · 17% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 16% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his second line. 
       · 15% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his third line. 
       · 14% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fourth line. 
       · 13% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his fifth line. 
       · 12% commissions for the Group Volume produced by qualified Managers of his first line. 
       · 11% bonus for all his organization Production Volume or to the first Distributor of the same rank and above. 
       Mandatory Group Volume of each Tri Star Diamond Director is 500 GV monthly. 

Building a successful Business 

The first rule is: Be Distributor’s own best customer. It is difficult to share a Product Distributor have not personally experienced. Join2day.com programs are for everyone! Distributor should emotionally believe in and know why Join2day.com programs are enormously superior to all others. 

Rank Advancement 

All rank advancement are effective since the first of the next to qualifying month. 

Code of Ethics 
1. I will follow the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all I do. 
2. I will not make negative or disparaging remarks about the Company, its programs, officers and employees, or other people, programs, or firms. 
3. I will strive to ensure that my customers are satisfied with JOIN2DAY.COM programs, make sure that I explain them accurately and give them he best service available. 
4.I will present the JOIN2DAY.COM Marketing Plan accurately and honestly, clearly portraying the level of effort required to achieve success. 
5. I will carry out all duties of sponsorship and responsible leadership as I build my JOIN2DAY.COM business. I will treat everyone, whether they are in my downline or not, with the same respect. 
6. I will never approach another person’s prospect at a JOIN2DAY.COM meeting with the intent to sponsor them myself. 
7. I will consistently put forth my best effort to promote the success of my JOIN2DAY.COM business. 
8. I will not use the JOIN2DAY.COM name, information, literature, gatherings of people or other JOIN2DAY.COM resources to further other business interests. 
9. I will not engage in any activity that will cause loss to the company or any Distributor other than in fair competition. 
10. I will abide by the Rules of JOIN2DAY.COM and operate my business in accordance with them. 
11. I could have my Distributorship canceled if I violate the code of ethics or JOIN2DAY.COM Rules. 


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